The Basics - How does the CourtMail system work?
  What violations and counties are available for selections?
  Is the CourtMail system flexible?
  What kind of support is available for my direct mail program?
  How can I ensure that my program will be effective?
  What rules and regulations are in place for direct mail solicitation?
The Basics - How does the CourtMail system work? Return to top
  Every evening, the CourtMail system interacts with the computer systems inside the courthouses throughout North Carolina and compiles lists of all new cases filed that day. The case details are then organized and separated by violation and county. You select the specific violations you wish to receive in any North Carolina county. Each morning you will receive an email containing a list of every new case filed on the previous day that matches your selections. Simply merge these files into your word processor and within seconds, you are ready to put your letters in the mail and watch your business grow!
What violations and counties are available for selection? Return to top
  There are over 300 traffic-related violations including speeding, DUI and DWLR as well as over 130 drug-related violations to choose from in any North Carolina county. A master list of violations is available as well, for your convenience.
Is the CourtMail system flexible? Return to top
  Yes, you may make changes to your CourtMail account whenever you like. You may add or remove violations or change your counties of selection at any time. We can turn the account on and off to accommodate vacation schedules, variations in your workload or any other issue that affects your need for records. There are no further obligations beyond the 2-week Free Trial. You may cancel your CourtMail service at anytime.
What kind of support is available for my direct mail program? Return to top
  CourtMail representatives are available to assist you with every step of the process from creating your letter template to merging the files into the final product. CourtMail wants to protect your business and ensure the continued success of your direct mail marketing program.
How can I ensure that my program will be effective? Return to top
  The 2 week free trial is the best indicator of how successful CourtMail can be for you. Work with the program for 2 weeks without incurring charges!
What rules and regulations are in place for direct mail solicitation?
  Attorneys will need to follow a few guidelines to comply with the rules and regulations governing direct mail marketing by attorneys. Go to and look at items 7.1/7.5 under rules for professional conduct for additional information. Basically, you just need to make sure that "This is an advertisement for legal services" appears on the outside envelope and at the beginning of your letter "in print at least as large as your name or the firm's name". It is also recommended that you keep a copy of your letter template on file.

© Castle Branch, Inc. 2003